Not an ordinary she is a great heart lady. She doesn't like to be angry with anybody and forgive peoples very easily. What i found passion good thoughts helping hands to people kind to others simply she is a great lady an example for any other lady in this planet.
I am not very sure whether she got enough time to read my this blog but i am writting it from my belief that other lady can learn through.
I saw from very near sometimes the colegues of Kensly Francisco did so many wrong things to her. They shown their stupid anger to her for nothing they blamed her for no reason even lied on her. But Kensly Francisco was always same to them. She was easy and normal to them forgiven them always.
By the year of 2009 Kensly Francisco come to know about our Organization(AnwarTrust) and she was always helpful for our every activities at Singapore.By the year 2011 we got a council of AnwarTrust Singapore. She elected as a media & publication director by her own skill and talent. She always worked for AnwarTrust as her own Organization.
Day today we can see how most of the ladies acts around us. Some of them proud some of them ill minded some of them money minded some of them body minded some of them hot tempered some of them acts as good but infact not good. But honestly this madam Kensly Francisco is really very different then them. She is a good example for a moral lady.
I am a very lucky person to come to know a kind lady Kensly Francisco. I appreciate her and wish all the best for her for life time. My family my relatives knows her by name and they also got the same respect what i have to her.
Anwar Ashraf
Chairman, AnwarTrust