To all of our officials, our francise Organizations, members & well wishers.
We are wishing you a happy new year 2014.
All the best. God bless.
Saturday, 28 December 2013
Happy new year 2014
Saturday, 21 December 2013
Friday, 20 December 2013
Don't want politics.
Ignorance about politics is an important issue for Bangladesh today.
Powerful party or opposition themselves diesn't know about the future.
You see there is not a single day where no killing fire or violance are happening, but nobody knows for what. Each side blaming the opposite but what is the reality. Peoples have no choice they have to go out. They can't be just at home for everyday. They have to work have to handle their business. Nobody wants to realise how day by day the situation of the country goes to be more worse to worse.
Ourselves also no better option have seen at the situation to improve it.
At the all types of difficulties our hopes and expectation is always for peace for steady political situation.
Monday, 16 December 2013
The moment AnwarTrust grown.
This picture was taken at Singapore 11 pine close.
Anwar Ashraf the Chairman of AnwarTrust was speaking with some of the trust members. Can remember the guys are Imam Hossain, Mamun, Sany, Marshal, Maurice, Yun, Dong, Jaikol, Rajan.
Sam Gandhi was the chief guest for the discussion meeting.
Friday, 13 December 2013
16 December the Victory day of BD.
Every country got their own history of their independent.
Let say Singapore, it was a state of british Malaysia. 1964 when the state leading polititical Peoples Action Party(PAP) win with a major votes they demand for freedom and they had it without any fight or ript or clash. Similler got so many countries those got independent very easily through discussion.
The circumstance & history of independent about Bangladesh is totally different then that.
Present Bangladesh is formal east Pakistan. Initially it was British colony the whole subcontinent of india. Indians(present india bangladesh & pakistan) didn't wanted the coloniel role of British. When the British realused that they have no choice without give up then only they followed the divide & role policy. Present india itself a country the rest east and west part named east pakistan & west pakistan depending on religion.
Eventually Bangalies are an ethnic of indians. Infact Pakistanis are very mixed nation those from different place from Afgan, Arab west india etc.
So it didn't work the idea of religion based country Pakistan.
Central gov't was at west Pakistan so the East Pakistan(BD) was victim from various way.
Naturally evry Bangali realised that they need freedom.
Sheikh Mujibor Rahman the leader of BD was elected winning 98% vote but pakistan didn't give any chance him to talk for Bangali.
No choice the peoples have no choice. They fought 9 long months for independent. They offered their everything for it. 30 lac life & 2lac lady was raped. India helped a lot for Bangali independent.
Bangladesh was independent on 16/12/1970 but still the nation is unrest fot their progress.
Saturday, 7 December 2013
Black diamond great icon.
Nelson Mendela was a great heart icon. He may be physically dead, but his deeds will remain forever.
He fought his life time for truth for fair for same rights.
African region was sick for thousands years for various un even justice. Black & white clashes was their tradition. Nelson Mendela is the great human who realise that was very wrong and bad culture to justify a person through their skin colour.
Black or white is outlook only. Actually all human got their same rights same respect. He took it seriously the issue and he fought for it. He suffererd a lot for that and he is the lucky person who have successfuly implement his dream.
Legendery black icon is known a person of humanity a person of love a person of freedom. His deeds his lesson his teach of life his morality, everything will be role model for world.
We will miss him forever. Will praying for him.
- Anwar Ashraf, Chairman AnwarTrust.
Nelson Mendela will be there.
Sunday, 1 December 2013
Raise your voice at Jago Bangladesh.
The country is in the situation when the powerful party arranging an election almost democratic way.
The opposition alliance is in the horrific activities. Destruction fire killing and all types of immoral activities goes on as politics. Netizen never expect all those from the politicians. But these become a common practice while every 5 years before election.
We want a peaceful Bangladesh where nobody will involve with corruption, violence, killing, firing terrifying etc.
Jago Bangladesh a non-political Organization where you can explore yourselves with a common moral support.
Friday, 29 November 2013
Miss Shishir Anwar Arif.
Shishir Anwar Arif is the youngest son of greatman Master Anwar Hossein.
Anwar Ashraf miss his NANU (arif).
Anwar Absar also the same.
They have lost their father at 15/08/1989 when Arif was just just 4 years old.
Naturally the whole family members love & cared to him so much.
Friday, 22 November 2013
Chittagong Zoo.
Pro historical days animals was known as the prime enemy for human. Very soon human realise that animals are most useful then any other creations of the nature.
People start to love the animals even some of them are danger.
The idea of zoo came up when creative people involved with.
Chittagong zoo is located at near khulshi foi'slake area. Not very bigger but ok the zoo is at the correct location.
I remember so many zoo at the Asia those more richer country is similler to the zoo.
Though Kolkata zoo is very big and wide but so many animals cage was empty. So many zoo animal saw sickly and weak. But i found Chittagong zoo almost every animals are healthy.
Media desk
Saturday, 16 November 2013
2nd marriage of Anwar Ashraf.
Thursday, 14 November 2013
No choice, life is like that.
When no choice in life, people can think a lot but can do a little only.
When the 1st wife of our trust chairman was fatally dead in a heart shocking accident he was determind to don't get marriage again. But the reality was different. Ashraf has to do the marketing cooking washing cleaning everything. There was nobody to help him at all. Since in the situation all of his family members relatives neighbours friends and everybody was keep on asking to get back the marriage. A family is not complete without a housewife. A man can do so many things for the family even all the things or everything but quiet very hard for him infact impossible to become a real substitute of what a housewife can do.
Middle of october the only son of Anwar Ashraf by name Anwar Abeer was seriously ill for various difficult sickness. There was a moment when the boy was suddenly fall a severe distressing sick. The boy was senceless there qas nobody to serve a glass of drinking water at that moment. Ashraf was crying on it and changed his mind turned to get married.
Few proposal was there for him to choose.
The beautiful pretty single girls
Hi literate girls
Divorced separated widowed pretty ladies.
Rich family girls & ladies
Employed girls & ladies.
Among all his choose was different and he told his guardians that he wil ask to look a girl who might not be single or pretty or very rich or high literate girls.
Finally moments was meaningful for him.
What was his wish God did help.
His two kids found a mother.
Ashraf did compromised with all those where people looks for to be external happy in a couple life.
Master Nazrul Islam
President Master Anwar Hossein Smrity Songsod.
Friday, 1 November 2013
Seminar on Information Rights
Last 17/10/2013 10am AnwarTrust head office held a seminar on Information Rights at their Eid re-union.
The seminar was presided by Mr. Abul Boshar and hosted by Trust vice Chairman Mr. Anwar Absar m.a. llb.
trust youth team sacretery Nr. Kazi Sazzad Jamil Pappu discussed a lot about information & technology. Trust sacretery Mr. Mosleh Uddin Bachhu also discussed.
Local cultural club Ruposhi Bangla team & Anirban members also participated at the seminar.
AnwarTrust Chairman Mr. Anwar Ashraf appreciate everyone those arranged managed & participated the seminar.
This blog was written on behalf of Ms Kensly Francisco the honourable director for media & publication of AnwarTrust Singapore.
By Thiaga Rajan.
Monday, 28 October 2013
Happy Birthday Afrie Asha
This the first time Afrie Asha & her familly have celebrated the birthday without her loving mother.
Saturday, 19 October 2013
Ali have donated his blood but couldn't save the life.

My mother in law have passed away last 17/10/2013 at 7:00pm.
She was suffering cancer since last november 2012.
The cancer was in food tube & stomach.
She couldn"t eat anything even. While she wanted to eat or drink something that was blocked and she had to suffer a lot then.
We did our best to save her. Since 29bags of blood support had done. All of the bloods was free donated by good heart people. I give thanks to everybody those donated the bloods.
Mohammod Ullah (Ali) is the last person who donated the blood but it was no result.
Actually it was the time for her to leave us. Otherways nothing to say. What can we do when our life is so uncertain.
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
Cancer got no answer, but how to give up.

When someone suffering from cancer and you are trying your best to make it cure. You never think of money or time or how much you can efford you are doing more then that but no use.
How you will feel if you notice that your family member or relative got found on cancer disease. Specially if it's in throat or at stomach!! No words but sad really. You got million or billion money what can you do if you can't eat or drink. Your life you will find as hell.
I think still cancer got no answer. Last 10 month i research a lot about it.
Once i went to consult with a famous cancer specialist doctor at chittagong city.
Issue about an operation because my mother in law suffering cancer at throat and stomach.
Doctor asking me to fix a date for operation. But he can't ensure about cureness. I asked him if nothing ensured to cure for what we do a such big operation.
The doctor explained me a lot about the situation i really can't take a decision about.
Suddenly i tricked the doctor i asked him whether what he will do if his mother got the same sickness!
He answered me fifty fifty.
He also told me clearly that still cancer have no proper answer.
.....Anwar Ashraf.
Monday, 30 September 2013
Kensly Francisco - a great heart lady.

Not an ordinary she is a great heart lady. She doesn't like to be angry with anybody and forgive peoples very easily. What i found passion good thoughts helping hands to people kind to others simply she is a great lady an example for any other lady in this planet.
I am not very sure whether she got enough time to read my this blog but i am writting it from my belief that other lady can learn through.
I saw from very near sometimes the colegues of Kensly Francisco did so many wrong things to her. They shown their stupid anger to her for nothing they blamed her for no reason even lied on her. But Kensly Francisco was always same to them. She was easy and normal to them forgiven them always.
By the year of 2009 Kensly Francisco come to know about our Organization(AnwarTrust) and she was always helpful for our every activities at Singapore.By the year 2011 we got a council of AnwarTrust Singapore. She elected as a media & publication director by her own skill and talent. She always worked for AnwarTrust as her own Organization.
Day today we can see how most of the ladies acts around us. Some of them proud some of them ill minded some of them money minded some of them body minded some of them hot tempered some of them acts as good but infact not good. But honestly this madam Kensly Francisco is really very different then them. She is a good example for a moral lady.
I am a very lucky person to come to know a kind lady Kensly Francisco. I appreciate her and wish all the best for her for life time. My family my relatives knows her by name and they also got the same respect what i have to her.
Anwar Ashraf
Chairman, AnwarTrust
Sunday, 29 September 2013
Why yes or no for the politics.

There was a day politics was one of the best way for the change for better and more. Indian sub-continent was still british colony if the politicians never raise their voice for freedom. Politicians sometimes involve with the conspiracy in situation they used to do that when the get a chance. British divide and role policy is one of that & the result is india pakistan.
We even don't have any simillerity with pakistani culture language emotion heritage or any other thing. There was a blind weapon that is religion.
This worse slogan destroyed our pride made us down. Pakistanis used religion as a strong arms they did every ugly things as much they could no matter how bad or hated. They even treated Bengali as their slaves.
Politics was needed to make free the Bengalees and the things have done we paid a big price fought 9 long months. 2 lac women was raped 30 lac people was killed. That also was needed for the politics so no complain.
Today the circumstances and incidents are different. Today we need a positive politics for the developement of the country. Unfortunately the politicians never try to realise the needs of the nation today. We can not still follow up the british pakistany & other old brand politics we maust have to welcome a constructive politics for our country.
Familism is another side effect for our constructive politics. A person no need their any special quality for politics overhere today if they are enough lucky to marry or born with or at the party & executive head of country. Then what is the different between kingdom or sultanate?! Funny thing is nobody raise their voice properly against this poor political ism or familism.
Carrecterless boy corrupted gangstar who even not enough literate to handle himself properly.
Or grown up studied married in first world never enough trained with our political needs any one of them supposed to not keen to be our leader. Unfortunately we have to accept them because of our wrong political culture & practice.
We the people have to bring a change and we have to say politics yes or no. If we never wake up nobody will let us wake up.
Anwar Ashraf
Chairman, AnwarTrust
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
There is a change.

What i found at bd aviation management there is a change.
More then one decade i have visit so many country and got to use various routes and airlines.
Indian airlines i found the boing was quiet larger and the crues are so matured even old but service was so so standard only. Nepalese was a bit better then that. Malaysian airlines crues always busy to follow the standard of SG though still behiend.
Thai air doing well. Singapore airlines everybody knows as the best.
BD airlines trying their best to improve themselves and doing well then past.
But you will wonder at local domestic aviations how well they are doing now. Recently i have fly few airlines at dhaka chittagong route. Regent was my choice first then novoair. I always was not interested at united air thout the cheaper wouldn't serve better but trust me i will say this the best then other all for BD local airlines. Air buses are nicer. The crues are well trained serves more then expectation. It was full booked and i feel the standard they have they can take a challange to the international air companies.
This blog specially i have written for those are thinking United Air are cheaper and may be their management are not up to standard.
I will say United Air is better then other.
Anwar Ashraf
Chairman, AnwarTrust.
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Life whenever however.

By the year of 2008 i meet a great Indian Hindu guru who was from Gujrat state. The guru saw at a glance to me and start to describe lots of things what was happened at past period of my life and what was happening right that time.
After that the guru brought a conclusion of his commentary saying was " hello boy i tell you what i see your life is so tragic so success so joyful. You are having more then mountain size enemy in life but God himself is so kind to you that no enemy can harm you even a sands size.
About the past happening he even mentioned about all the political conspracy against me and false untrue dangerious cases to me, and he just adviced to me to be more passioned to handle all those issues.
That time i was the general manager of a service based establised company at Singapore. The whole operation i am the one has to take care. Very logically i become a bad administrator / rular of the company for those lazy staffs.
The guru advised me to just don't take anything so seriously at any operation agendas. He also told my boss was very lucky to have me at his company.
The whole story was happened in front of my boss at his residential home.
After guruji leaved,my boss asked about my concern and commentery.
I asked him that i do believe deeply in Allah (god). I never take anything granted in life. I just mentioned the boss. I am alright always, i take everything easy.
Life whenever however.
Anwar Ashraf
Chairman, AnwarTrust.
Saturday, 14 September 2013
Singapore coast

The great island country singapore is a defination for the planet.
Initially it was an eastern province of Johor Bahru state of Malaysia.
After the British sailor sir Stamford Raffles discover the possibilities of the place he just lease the permit for business for 700 spanish peso per year he start develope it so much.
Actually from that period Singapore become established and some economic and cultural difference being done.
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
It was my concept - Kensly Francisco

When i come to know that
The idol of AnwarTrust late Master Anwar Hossein was a chain smoker. Our Chairman Anwar Ashraf is a non smoker initially he fights against on it. When by the year of 2003 AnwarTrust was working as a supporting desk of bd gov't registered education volunteer & social welfare Organization Master Anwar Hossein Smrity Songsod. I proposed to the Chairman to work individually on anti drug smoking & global climate change. Anwar Ashraf was thankful to do so. Since AnwarTrust an universal networking working on human rights information rights environmental hazards helping poor disables rootless childs. Specially working on anti-drug tobacco & global climate change.
We are inviting everybody to join us.
Together we will make us a better society.
yours faithfully
Kensly Munar Francisco
media and publications
Saturday, 7 September 2013
Don't stop even it's so hard

Memory is the most strongest element for making you live still to survive. The moment someone lost it in the flow, they have nothing else to stand their own. Seems they are living without a heart. Then how you can think you are a complete human. Animal being also can't cheat their feelings you know!
You guys don't try to think i research a lot on it. But one thing i can give you warrenty i am talking on about my life.
My heart is locked and no one can open it without she. For this i no need to learn from a smart sayings or quotes.
If you can't believe in you or you are standing on a funny joyful situation it will be hard to harder the things - how you handle on it. Tell me about a man or lady how many peoples they can ask about a love if you believe in you and your true feelings exist in your heart. Doesn't matter a person is besides you physically or not. Matter is exclusively important if your love was meaningful for her or him. Nobody can satisfy you if you guys looking for a body pleasure, because you meet a million guys/girls also still billions are else. How many you can manage, Who can make you happy if God is unhappy with you.
Don't even try to think about me that ohh he is looser and he will say all this point to make him happy. If you think it, besides can be considerate to believe that i can do things more easier or faster then others those playes around. But honestly i can't play to my feelings my thoughts my moralty at all. That's my pride not my weak point............(continue)
Sunday, 1 September 2013
The time AnwarTrust grown.

AnwarTrust was born at the date of 21/02/1995. But it didn't had their own land & home at first.
Early background of AnwarTrust:
Chairman of Kalapania Union Sandwip Ctg. Mr. Sufian Mia Asked Headmaster Modasser Ahmed about where he was employed that time. Master Modasser Ahmed replied at the school which one was founded by Master Anwar Hossein near his home. Chairman shared his some thoughts with the headmaster like said he was wondering how come people never wake up and do something to care the memory of the great man Master Anwar as he has a bright deeds of welfare activities. He mentioned the place where never care their great persons there no greatman borns easy. Headmaster said he is inspired on it and meet Master AKM Nursafa both of them willed to work together for it. They called a generel meeting and thousands of them were gathered at the meeting everybody without any objection was agreed in it. The name of the Organization is AnwarTrust today.
Thursday, 29 August 2013
Singapore Sentosa.

As Singapore tourism board promote their one of the best resorts island by name Sentosa. The place where AnwarTrust Chairman Mr. Anwar Ashraf standing on that's the old entrance area of the island. Now a days the authority have developed the island resorts with more events and efforts of surprise.
Sentosa Cassino known as resorts world, Universal studio hollywood gallery, Under water world beach open bar swimming pool, resorts luxarious hotels etc are attractive really.
Recently they have built sentosa board walk totally plastic & wooden built communication fro Vivocity shopping centre to Sentosa island. AnwarTrust have a nice youtube video at that place. You can wath our that video at
(find Anwartrust: sentosa board walk).
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
Nasima Ashraf.

Here at the couple picture of Anwar Ashraf & his late wife.
Aaj theke 17 bochor ager chobi eti tader bibaher por por tola.
Nasima nasu was quiet sick that time. She was suffering of urinery infaction, kidney problem & bone pain.
Ashraf tar sob jotno ar valobasa die tar uparjoner sob ortho die sedin Nasimar Sob cikitsa jothajoto vabe somponno koren.
Mr. Ashraf was a secretery of union parishad at that time.
Saturday, 24 August 2013
Anti drug tobacco & global climate change.

AnwarTrust an universal networking media for human & information rights. Environmental hazards helping disables & rootless childs.
AnwarTrust basically working on anti-drug, tobacco and global climate change. Recently so many heart shaking incident of drug addicts. They can do anything they wants. Killing own parent brother sister wives even any other unhuman activities they are doing.
Late Nasrin Anwar (Nasima Nasu) was women Organizer of AnwarTrust. She was a good supporting person for welfare Organizations. She is the wife of Mr. Anwar Ashraf, Chairman- AnwarTrust. Also daughter in law of the great social worker Master Anwar Hossen.
Thursday, 22 August 2013
Raise your voice against drug abusing.

SB Police officer Mr. Mahfuzer Rahman and his wife Swopna R. was killed by their own and only daughter Oishee. The killar daughter confessed she is a drug abuser. She mixed high powerful sleeping pill with coffee and let her parent drink it before she killed them. Yaba a well known illigal drug for the addict people. She was involved to use this illigal drug (yaba tablet) quiet long days. The parent also noticed it and tried their way to stop her and avoid it. But the daughter was out of control and the things reformed so worse. The drug abusers is so bad they don't care the humanity, they lose their manners they can do anything they wants.
We believe this is possible to stop the drug abusers because they are so minor and helpless. We raise our voice to make a drug free moral society. Please say no to drug. Raise your voice. Be united to make a better society.
Monday, 19 August 2013
Saturday, 17 August 2013
Life is like that.

Human's life is very uncertain. We can think or imagine whatever we like. The reality most of the time is different then what we plan. Life is the word of 4 lettets but the meaning of this word is so bigger then any other words. We can find the variety of this word at every step of our living. Sometimes our life is so happy sometimes sad. That's why at the status of time life shows us different taste and meanings.
Sunday, 11 August 2013
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
Eid day: The day of happiness.

Muslim world goes to happy ending of the holy fasting month Ramadan.Tomorrow for middle east, east asia & some other part of the world. Day after tomorrow south asia, africa & rest part of the world is Happy Eid Day.
Ramadan teaches us passion sacrifice courtecy honesty & greatness. After following the fasting one month the next day Muslims celebrate the eid day. AnwarTrust greeting a happy eid day EID MUBARAQ/SELAMOT HARI RAYA to everybody. Wishing all the best.
Yours faithfully Kensly Francisco
media & publication director
Date: 07:08:2013
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Sunday, 4 August 2013
AnwarTrust sites.
Pls read write and share with our blogs & websites.
Saturday, 3 August 2013
Nashima will remain.

She (Nasrin Anwar-Nashima Nasu) was a kind and trusted lady. Never tried to hurt anybody. All of her family members relatives friends and neighbour recalls their good memory with her. Those meet her occationally just once in life they will remember for a long days. Because of her normal attitude, sincerity honesty and frank with the people still now she is alive and along will last. Her mother in law is quiet elderly now she recalls some memories when this Nashima was just a primary student. From the childhood she was a nature girl. Never was so proud or bad attitude.
Her husband Anwar Ashraf (AnwarTrust Chairman) is the best witness of a kid a teen a matured girl and a house wife where she is an example of a trusted tradiotional Bangali women.
So nashima will remain. He also saying that "dead Nashima is more stronger then when she was alive"
So we all pray for her to be in heaven.
posted from Bloggeroid
Friday, 2 August 2013
AnwarTrust youtube video channel.
Is our official youtube video channel. Initially we uploaded so many videos from various historical welknown cultural heritage and tourists spot of modern Singapore. Recently we are planning to prepare some different concepts at the videos such as education culture and some genious activities. We are inviting everybody to watch our youtube video channel our own (anwartrust) videos. Thanks everybody for your moral support to inspire us more for total welfare activities.
posted from Bloggeroid
Wednesday, 31 July 2013
Monday, 29 July 2013
AnwarTrust - SG. A nation of peace.

Singapore claimed to being the first world for 3rd world. If you go backward the history of Singapore, it will be very clearly seen tht their economy was never better then Bangladesh. 17th century one of the British sailor by name Sir Stamford Raffles arrived & found lots of posibilities overthere. He leased the island from Malaysian king Hossain per year 700 pesos(spanish) for business.
In the picture AnwarTrust Chairman Mr. Anwar Ashraf standing the whole plece was Singapore river. Mr. Raffles established a port first to promote the posibilities of business with around the world. That time Singapore stand forward then Malaysia even the same country. It was huge development at that period. That's why Sir Stamford raffles is known as first founding father of modern Singapore.
(it will be continued)
posted from Bloggeroid
Friday, 26 July 2013
Nasrin Anwar ( Nasima Nasu )

Nasrin Anwar goes to remembered for a long days and more for her friendly behaviour, good attitude, for passion and helpful mentality to others. Most of her family members, high school classmets, relatives & friends even neighbours miss her for her sincerity, honesty & pure concern to them. Anybody around her faced a difficulties she always took as her own responsibilities. She helped the neighbours a lot at their any kind of needs. Still so many pepples are crying for her when the recall the past activities. She believed in humanity then any other believness we know. Her deeds are quiet remarkable and so bright.
We all pray for Nasu to be in heaven.
posted from Bloggeroid
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
Shishir Anwar Arif

Shishir Anwar Arif was the youngest son of our idol Master Anwar Hossein. He was the genious talent and creative boy. He lost his father when he was kid. Grown up with care and love of the family. By born he had some enemy at the secondary school he study. One a day the islamic religious teacher left the home work is the Quran scripture 'ayatul kurchi' tell through.
Next day at the class the teacher called the students for it but Shishir Anwar Arif was ignored and pronounced as a member of secular family to take the lesson. Shishir asked the teacher about why he ignored him! Teacher replied that will be impossible for shishir. Shishir stand up on it and start ' ayatul kurchi ' then translate at bengali then translate to english. the students and stupid teacher was just surprised.
posted from Bloggeroid
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
Nasrin Anwar was loving.

Nasrin Anwar Nasu was a kind humble honest and overall good lady. She cared people she did work for the people those was needy as her solvency. She had a joy to do something for the people. She also was very loving for the kids. In picture she & her nephew (eldest son of Mr. Shohrab). The kids now miss her a lot and very often they cries for her. We pray for Nasu to be in Heaven.
posted from Bloggeroid
Sunday, 21 July 2013
AnwarTrust - Never give up.

Difficulties in life will be always there. Nobody can exit their own if they got trouble. Place period & person should followed to succeed. Believers never give up the hopes. If you trust in god you must trust the word of human also. If ever someone is greedy they will face more hard time as how you feel in situation.
posted from Bloggeroid
Saturday, 13 July 2013
Friday, 12 July 2013
Thursday, 20 June 2013
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
Nasima Nasu is an example

Nasima Nasu ( nasrin anwar ) is a good example of traditional Bengali women. She was a primary scholer when AnwarTrust Chairman Anwar Ashraf at first come to know her at North Sontoshpur Gov't Primary School what was founded by great man Master Anwar. Nasima was a primary scholership candidate. Anwar Ashraf was a volunteery teacher. At the math class Anwar Ashraf asked a creative math what nobody could manage to done unless Nasima Nasu. She was so adorable for hes classmets teachers friends familly and relatives even neighbour. She was a grand model of pure love where 6years she suffered a lot to get marry of her loving Ashraf and made another example through waiting almost a decade time for him again. Overall she was so kind so soft hearted so pure minded so frank so nature girl.
We are praying for her to be in Heaven ever.
posted from Bloggeroid
Ashraf is speechless.

At the painful & heart shocking death of Nasima Nasu ( Nasrin Anwar) our trust chairman Anwar Ashraf is speechless. He can't think, he can't accept the reality. Still he expect that suddenly late Nasu (his loving wife) will appear to surprise everybody & will tell everybody about 6.6.2013 accident was a dream only.
posted from Bloggeroid
Friday, 14 June 2013
Nasima is a lady who tought us a lot.

Nasima Nasu / Nasreen Anwar was a model of real mother who loved her family a lot. Afree Asha & Anwar Abeer is her loving kids. She tried her best for their proper & better study. So many years Mr. Anwar Ashraf was in overseas. She proved her real love through her passion confidence & good moral charrecter. We all pray for her to be at heaven.
posted from Bloggeroid
Nasima had a great heart.

Not only tv screen Late Nasima hold with her all love to Mr. Anwar Ashraf. This photograph was taken by the year of 1996 when they had no kid yet. Our trust chairman Mr. Anwar Ashraf is hardly shoked & no language for recovery at all.
posted from Bloggeroid
Nasima Sultana(Nasrin Anwar) will remain

She (Nasima) was at primary scolar when first time Mr.Anwar Ashraf was volunteery teacher at north sontoshpur gov't primary school. That was founded by Master Anwar. Mr. Ashraf is really broken down at the incident. He said he don"t want anybody to be such victim.
We pray for her soul to be at heaven.
posted from Bloggeroid
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Monday, 3 June 2013
AnwarTrust Chairman-Singapore.

Singapore is known as the first world at the third world.
the country was one of the island privince of malaysia.
Sailor Stamford Raffles discovered the island olden days & he found so many possibilities at there and he decided to extend his business.
Initially that time Singapore become one of the important island for the world.
posted from Bloggeroid
Saturday, 1 June 2013
Parliament @ Singapore

It's an evening outside view of parliament @ Singapore.
You will wonder how simple and nice view the pariament area of Singapore. Seems its an open house area. The real democracy mean there.
AnwarTrust Chairman was an operation manager for a private company at Singapore. He never noticed any political violance even argument overthere.
posted from Bloggeroid
Thursday, 23 May 2013
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
AnwarTrust @ picasa.
Album link: -- via
AnwarTrust for anti-tobacco.

AnwarTrust chairman Mr. Anwar Ashraf
Wbb trust chairman Mr. Syied Mahbubul Alom
AnwarTrust Singapore president Mr.
Riyad Akteruzzaman
meet for a discussion about anti- drug tobacco & global climate change.
posted from Bloggeroid
Saturday, 11 May 2013
Thursday, 9 May 2013
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
Friday, 3 May 2013
Monday, 29 April 2013
Tragedy of 29/04/1991 AnwarTrust held a discussion about the sad day for costal peoples.

29/04/1991 the tragedy of Sandwipis.
AnwarTrust officials held a discussion about the sad day for costal peoples.
Member Mr. Main Uddin lost his loving mother at that time.
Youth team leader kazi sazzad zamil pappu said they don't want back the worse day anymore.
Secretary mr. Mosleh Uddin said he suffered a lot at that time.
Trust Chairman Mr Anwar Ashraf said we need more alert & proper management for any natural celamity next.
posted from Bloggeroid
Thursday, 25 April 2013
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
SAVAR TRAJEDI. really shakes the heart, ANWAR TRUST send a deep condolance for the victims their family.
We send a deep condolance for the victims their family.
We hope a proper resque work is going on.
All over the victims needs proper medicare.
Those dead no words for recovery. But need to make sure their body reached to their family.
We humbly request everybody to give their helping hands to the victims needs& their family.
posted from Bloggeroid
Monday, 22 April 2013
Please help your neighbours.
That will be a great prayers.
posted from Bloggeroid